Bank Surplus Auction
60 Have Keys and locks (Overall dimesnsions - 33"W X 73" H X 24"D)
28 Have keys & locks ( overall 33" W X 42"H X 24"D)
5 keys and locks missings
most have keys and locks
most have keys and locks , one door missing
53 have have keys and locks
Most have keys and locks
one door missing
most with locks and keys
57 safety deposit boxes ( Box #'s 1304-1360)
54 Safety deposit boxes ( Box #'s 1250-1303)
46 safety Deposit boxes ( Box #'s 1158-1203)
46 safety Deposit boxes ( Box #'s 1204-1249)
27 safety deposit boxes ( Box #'s 1505-1531)
Mostly vintage
Coin sorting cabinet
4 Drawer HON filing cabinet
1 leather, 2 mesh backed
4 Drawer HON filing cabinet
4 Drawer HON filing cabinet
2 Drawer Cradenza
U shaped office desk
Cubicle with 2 chairs and 2 work stations
36" W X 36" D X 39" H
5 retractable safety barriers
4 red lobby chairs
3 small desks/carts
66' W X 34" H X 19" D
2 Office Chairs ( Nice !)
U shaped office desk with matching cradenza & bookshelf
Spectrum Water Cooler # 2000-CT
Kimball Office Desk & matching Armoire & mesh back chair
4 Drawer HON filing cabinet
2 office/occasional Chairs
2 office/occasional Chairs
2 Cradenzas ( one needs repair)
2 office/occasional Chairs
U shaped office desk
2 drawer cabinet
Book Shelf ( 33' H X 35" W X 21" D)
office desk, 3 bookcases, chair
4 Drawer HON filing cabinet
Breakroom Table & 6 chairs
18 cu. Ft. Estate refrigerator ( no icemaker)
Kenmore microwave & Cart
27" Phillips tube type tv & Phillips VHS & cart